Coarse fishing and spinning rods
Rods for sale 21 Feb 22
The following rods were all bought with the aim of restoring them although several are actually in very good condition.
Allcocks Carp Avon with only the Avon tip, 10ft with 30in handle. This rod is close whipped and ready to use. SOLD
Allcocks Eclipse. A rare rod this needs a full refurb and possibly a new tip. 11ft 3 piece.
Allcocks Feathero 3 piece 12 foot ready to use. Hollow built. Quite scarce. SOLD
Hardy No1 Wallis rod 3 piece part whole cane with two tips. Closed bridge rings. Rosewood stoppers, Hardy bag. Needs refinishing, 11ft. SOLD
Allcocks Gloria 3 piece11ft version so light and useable. Spanish Reed, whole cane and splitcane. It's been re-whipped with new rings. SOLD
Lindop Renown, very similar to a Gloria but 14ft. Needs new rings. One for the more manly angler.
LRH No 2 spinner. Great condition but 5 in short.
LRH No 2 spinner. Full length all very good apart from a patch of poor varnish.
LRH No1 spinner excellent thoughout 9ft 6in 2 piece.SOLD
Allcocks Nimrod 8ft 6in, needs refinishing.
Allcocks Hughes Parry, quite rare 7ft 9in. Very good, comes with Allcocks bag and original Sales ticket.
Allcocks Lightcaster. 7ft 2 piece, good but with some tired whippings.
Allcocks Gloria 13 3/4ft 3 piece. Needs some work.
Aspindale Aero 89, 11ft hollow built. Repair to the tip needs rings and finishing.
I can send pictures and detailed descriptions as required or you can come and inspect.
Email or call if interested.
Lucky Strike for sale, sorry sold!

The ever popular Allcocks Lucky Strike, in this case an early green oval label model (late 1950's) fully restored. At 10ft 6in it is the ideal length for a solid construction split cane rod and handles very nicely.
Agatine tip and butt rings, an upgrade on the original.
Recent restorations

Just before Christmas I finished a batch of restorations as shown above. A real mixture here, the most basic a Sealey Float caster and the most trendy a B James Kennet Perfection.
The group also includes spanish reed rods by Olivers and Milwards both about 15ft and an Allcocks in the same vein.
Of all these I personally would prefer to use the Sealey, a nice handling rod, a bit like a lightweight Wizard.
All of my Coarse rods are custom built to order and I am happy to undertake commissions for all types of rods from lightweight hollow built float rods to powerful carp rods. The rods shown below are examples of my workmanship.
End of summer 2018

Well I have had some good outings with the GP rod and the above double figure common is probably the last I shall catch this year. It had been a very quiet day until this fish had its run around destroying the lily pads.
General Purpose Rod

A nicely proportioned if modestly sized Tench for my GP rod. About 10 years ago I had a season of only fishing with cane and a centrepin, I caught quite a few fish and managed to teach myself how to Wallis cast. It was an enjoyable time and I've decided to re-visit it a bit.
It has only taken me 15 years of making rods to make my own coarse rod - I've made plenty for other people!
I was tempted to make myself a Barbel rod as legering the Dove is generally where I can be found on one of my rare trips out but I decided on a rod designed for float fishing but with a bit more of a through action so also usable for light legering. First time out it proved that it still has a reasonable strike by catching a series of Roach before the target species finally showed up at dusk.
I'm looking forward to some more Tench sessions.
By the way the pin is a perfection "Flick-em" by Allcocks. Essentially an early and highly polished Rapidex.
My second fishing session starting with the same old fashioned float fishing tactics as before and caught me several Roach and a couple of Carp. Then I swapped to floating crust and landed three more Carp. These fine fish in the 7lb plus bracket fought very well and I was happy that the rod was still straight after an enjoyable evening.

Medium Trotting Rod
This rod is 11ft long and medium weight ideal for Chub. Designed and fitted as a float rod for general use with a fairly quick strike but ample power to play fish.
It is hollow built throughout in the cleanest blond cane that I have ever seen; this was featured on my latest page during construction. It is close whipped in rich red silk comes with nickel silver ferrules and rose wood fittings.

Avon Rod
Taken from the taper in Richard Walkers book the basic design has been slightly modified to suit its intended use as a Barbel rod. Firstly the length has been increased by 6" useful when legering across fast water and the tip has been made more sensitive over the last 15 inches for better bite registration. It has also been fitted with a notably longer handle at 27 inches and this is stiffened internally with whole cane to make for more comfortable use when touch legering and to improve the response to a strike.
The split cane butt and the central section of the rod remain true to Richard Walkers original taper.
This rod is constructed to the same high standards as my fly rods from selected heat tempered cane. It is fitted with blued nickel silver ferrules and chromed open bridge rings. The ferrule tabs are finely tapered and whipped in place with a high strength microfiber brade for strength. The tip ring is a low mounted Hardlon guide threaded for a quiver tip and the butt ring is agatine lined.
The finish is as usual of the highest quality and the rings are whipped with burgundy coloured silk tipped with gold.

11ft 2in Hollow built trotting rod
Designed as an easy to handle float rod as happy landing Roach as well as more sizeable fish. It was designed to be as light as the classic 10ft 6in rods like the Lucky Strike whilst offering a slightly better reach. In action it owes much to Hardy's Perfection Roach but built in three sections and 10% stiffer in the butt.
Total all up weight including all fittings and a 22in handle is 11ozs considerably less than a Wizard for example and slightly less than a Lucky Strike.
The rod is whipped at close centres throughout and features custom made nickel silver ferrules designed specifically for this rod. The butt guide is agate lined and nickel silver framed of my own manufacture.

Salmon spinning rod
I know its not a coarse fishing rod although it could certainly find application as one. This rod harks back to the classic split cane Salmon spinners such as Hardy's LRH No 2 and with a test curve of 2lbs and 9ft 6in in length it is a similar rod. This rendition however is hollow built and fitted with the latest REC tru-trak reel seat.
To increase the usability of this rod it comes with an extra, slightly longer tip to make a 10ft worming rod with a 1.5lb test curve. Definate potential as a Carp or heavy Barbel rod!
The pale golden cane is dressed with emerald green main whippings and fine gold intermediates. The ferrules are purpose made nickle silver and reinforced.

Thames trotter
Built with a very stiff hollow butt and long detachable handle this powerful 11ft 4in trotting rod is capable of handling heavy fish. Finished simply but elegantly on dark flamed cane with burgundy whipping. Butt and tip rings are hand made with agate liners and nickel silver frames.
First time out it accounted for a fine bag of Roach to 2lb and a bonus 5 3/4lb Sea Trout.

Specialist Roach
Specifically designed to trot for Roach with a centrepin. The Rod is 11ft 3in long hollow built in tip and butt and weighs in at just over 10 ozs. The design was perfected over several iterations to give a light responsive rod with a quick strike and good line control whilst demonstrating a progressive curve when playing a fish.

No not 2lb, 1lb 15 1/2 ozs! First time out.
Specialist Barbel
An 11ft Barbel rod with a test curve of around 1 1/2 pounds. It is more progressive in action than a Mk IV with plenty of strength throughout whilst keeping a tip design that allows direct touch legering.

The rod is finely finished in an understated style with no intermediate whippings. It is actually whipped more like a fly rod with Antique Gold tipped in Java Brown. As with most fly rods the varnish has been rubbed back to a satin finish as the reduction in flash is of benefit when stalking.
The varied gold and brown shades of the flamed cane are left fully expressed giving an elegant feel.
It is intended for use with a centrepin and for Wallis casting so the handle length is kept relatively short.

Although hollow built the design is robust and features purpose made reinforced ferrules machined from Nickel silver.
Butt and tip rings are of course lined with genuine Agate.
