Contact details
Email problems
If my ntlworld email does not work you can contact me via my wifes email. or my latest
I also have a nerw mobile 07788 233911

e mail
Click here to send me an e - mail
I think e mail is excellent and a good way to firm up specifications. However it sometimes fails which is frustrating to the sender and indeed to me. If you do not get a response from me within 24hrs it is quite possible that your message has gone awry and it would be appreciated if you could call on 01332 518653, if necessary leaving a message so I can get back to you, thanks. If a message reaches my inbox I always reply promptly even if I'm on holiday one of my sons will get back to you.
Actual address if the link won't work for you As an alternative, you may try this address:
Call me, Gary Marshall, on 01332 518653. If calling from outside of the UK the number is 0044 1332 518653. Please leave a message if I am not available and I will return your call.
Inspections and casting
I am based in Mickleover, Derby and welcome visitors but please telephone first for an appointment.
I check my messages regularly and will normally aim to respond on the same day but will certainly do so as soon as I am able.
If you have any queries regarding my rods or the construction of cane rods in general I will happily try and assist.
I will be pleased to assist with queries as noted above but if you want some hands on instruction in any facet of the cane rod making process this can also be arranged. Just let me know what you are looking for and I'll let you know what I can offer. I now have some printed sheets covering general tuition which I will send out on request.
I welcome comments from visitors to my site whether these be positive or negative. If you don't see what you are after drop me a note and I will try and assist.
I'm always on the look out for interesting photographs for this site and pictures of fish caught with my rods are very welcome. Just e mail me your jpeg, preferably less than 100kb and see your efforts displayed on the web!
The picture at the top of this page needs little explanation but the location is where that wonderful Sea Trout came to hand. Photo by Uwe Heyk.
A little about me
People often ask how I came to be involved in making split cane rods and my background and training so here follows a potted history. I have always been a keen wood worker, making and restoring furniture for many years, I made my first cabinet when I was 15, back in the days when school woodworking classes still existed. My practical experience over nearly 40 subsequent years have given me the requisite hand skills. I am a life long angler and made my first rod (on a fiberglass blank) when I was 14, I still have it. I used to love poring over the old Allcocks Anglers Guides and all the beautiful cane rods on display. It is said that men covet what they wanted when they were younger but could not then afford so perhaps this explains the love of cane. I also place great value on craft and durability rather contrary to our current throwaway age. Making cane rods also calls for a fair amount of tool making and I have over the years developed a range of mechanical engineering skills. Often in support of my other lifelong interest in motorcycles. Tuning racing and breaking classic bikes was a good way of finding out how things fail and how to improve them. My professional training is however as a Civil Engineer mostly working on structural projects. My Structural Engineering background has been fundamental to developing a clear understanding of many aspects of fly rod design. I always knew when I started off as a young engineer that I did not want to be committed to only one career for life. Cane rodmaking satisfies my love of creating beautiful hand made objects together with active design and problem solving. My approach to rodmaking is therefore one of a full time professional but driven by a true passion for my art.

The midnight sun, Norway.